Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Topicle is a community of customized search engines, where users can submit - and edit - Google custom search engines using Topicle's interface. The real power of Topicle is that it harnesses crowd wisdom to select appropriate urls for its custom searches. There are currently 1151 custom search engines at Topicle, including one that searches sites that have CRS reports. That custom search engine includes 5 urls, but I added some wisdom of my own - the FPC and U.S. Embassy Rome sites! Those two nominations are currently in the "Suggested URLs" column on the right, but will be moved over to the left column once a sufficient number of people have deemed them worthy - and then the Web will be even better! Like the Wikipedia, this is - in my curmudgeonly opinion - an example of web2.0 democracy at its most useful!

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